{Disarmed} Here s how to watch today s Nothing announcement livestream

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When former OnePlus exec Carl Pei announced his new company called Nothing, it was assumed he would make smartphones. After all, that was OnePlus' forte when Pei was still there. So far, however, we've only seen one set of true wireless earbuds from Nothing.

However, today there is an event of Nothing. Expect the company to announce new products at this event, which could potentially include a new smartphone. After all, Pei was spotted using a smartphone at Mobile World Congress a few weeks ago, so it wouldn't be too surprising.

If the Nothing event doesn't include a new smartphone, then at least there should be news about other hardware products. Ahead of the event, Nothing has announced that it will be announcing a hardware roadmap. So it's possible that the company will simply announce that it intends to release a smartphone in the future.

The only way to know for sure is to watch the Nothing event itself. It starts at 3:00 p.m.

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The post How to Watch Today's Nothing Announcement Livestream appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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