{Disarmed} Design and security will go hand in hand in your next Xiaomi: the fingerprint sensor will cover the entire side of the phone

Design and security will go hand in hand in your next Xiaomi: the fingerprint sensor will cover the entire side of the phone

Xiaomi has accustomed us to launch certain patents that, although many of them do not end up being implemented in final devices, they do give us a good idea of ​​what the brand is working on to improve its devices.

In this case, its latest registration has shown us the intention that the company has in relation to improving the reliability of its side -mounted fingerprint sensors , a quite ingenious solution that will give us a larger recognition surface and, ultimately, avoid the possible derived errors suffered by this type of sensors.

A considerably larger surface that will improve the reliability of fingerprint recognition

As we have already been able to see in some Xiaomi equipment itself, as a general rule the fingerprint sensors that are located on the right side of the equipment are found in the unlock button, which greatly limits its effectiveness since it has a defined size. thus causing erroneous readings.

Xiaomi Fingerprint Sensor Patent

Xiaomi knows this problem, and that is why it is working on a new recognition system located on the side of the equipment that shows a larger surface not only in length, but also in width.

In this way, this sensor can recognize our fingerprint with a larger surface to improve its precision, in addition to being able to place it in a more accessible place within the design of the terminal in order to access it much more comfortably. and versatile compared to what we have today.

{"videoId":"x85cr8y","autoplay":true,"title":"EL MEJOR MÓVIL de Xiaomi en 2021 - Comparativa CALIDAD PRECIO"}

With this simple trick you can solve possible blockages of the fingerprint sensor of your Xiaomi phone
In xiaomist
With this simple trick you can solve possible blockages of the fingerprint sensor of your Xiaomi phone

As we always say with this type of patent, this registration does not mean that this system ends up being implemented definitively in the brand's phones, but it does give us a good idea that Xiaomi wants to improve the problems arising. of the use of this type of sensors, so we hope that they can present similar solutions to solve this type of inconvenience in daily use.

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The news Design and security will go hand in hand in your next Xiaomi: the fingerprint sensor will cover the entire side of the phone was originally published in xiaomist by Daniel Vega .


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