9 year old Google Nexus 7 2013 can unofficially run Android 12L

Android 12L

The stable version of Android 12L has only been out for two weeks, but there is already a staggering amount of custom ROMs out there. There's a working port for the Google Pixel 6 series, and even a custom GSI build for Project Treble-enabled devices. Now the 2013 edition of the Google Nexus 7 has received an unofficial build of LineageOS 19.1 based on Android 12L.

Manufactured by ASUS, the Nexus 7 2013 was launched with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Google offered upgrades up to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. The device was launched almost 9 years ago and is ancient by today's standards. It definitely doesn't have the hardware to run recent versions of Android smoothly.

Despite the many hacks it takes to launch the latest Android version, XDA senior member followmsi has managed to upgrade Android 12L to both the Wi-Fi only model (codename "flo") and the cellular variant ( codename "deb") of this tablet.

This requires the device to be repartitioned in order to install a Google Apps package. In addition, SELinux is set to "permissive" in the current version. Still, by flashing the ROM, you get the latest OS version with all the Android framework security patches that have accumulated over the past few years, and access to new security and privacy features, and of course, take advantage of many of the latest Android features.

So if you still have a Google Nexus 7 2013 lying around somewhere, just try to get Android 12L running on the tablet.

Google Nexus 7 2013 Download LineageOS 19.1 based on Android 12L


The post 9-year-old Google Nexus 7 2013 can unofficially run Android 12L appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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