Xiaomi cell phone: What the new price-performance hit really offers

Xiaomi cell phone: What the new price-performance hit really offers

Xiaomi will present its new Redmi smartphones for the international market as early as next week. Technically and visually, a lot should change compared to the Chinese versions. Now a retailer has at least unveiled the Redmi Note 11 in advance and is already showing us what to expect.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 with Qualcomm processor

The new Redmi smartphones were unveiled in China some time ago. The international launch will take place on February 26th. It was previously known that we will receive a slightly different configuration and this is exactly what a dealer from the Philippines confirms :

The optics will not differ compared to the Chinese model. There's the 90Hz AMOLED display here too, which is believed to be 6.6 inches. In addition, the Snapdragon 680 processor, which should offer solid equipment. This configuration has 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal storage. The battery measures 5,000 mAh and can be quickly recharged with 33 watts. There's the 50MP quad camera here too.

Converted, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 costs 154 euros in the Philippines. We will most likely pay significantly more. Probably a little over 200 euros . But that would still be a very good price for the equipment. At the latest in the coming week we will find out whether the information from the dealer is confirmed.

Xiaomi cell phones in China have this design:

Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro is also coming

In addition to the new Redmi Note 11, there will also be at least one Pro model. Since then it will be interesting to see which design Xiaomi uses. In China, the basic form of smartphones is somewhat similar to Apple's iPhones. That is why it was assumed that cell phones in Europe would have a different look. If the Redmi Note 11 relies on a Qualcomm chip, then this should also apply to the Pro model. Maybe there's the Snapdragon 778G that we know from the Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G.


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