iPhone 13 discolours: pink display annoys owners

iPhone 13 discolours: pink display annoys owners

More and more iPhone 13 owners are complaining to Apple about an annoying problem: the display suddenly turns pink and the iPhone crashes. Apple has already replaced some of the affected copies, but is now talking about a software error.

iPhone 13: Pink screen causes phones to crash

Reports from owners of one of the iPhone 13 models are piling up in the official Apple forum and on Reddit. According to them, the display of the smartphone is completely colored . The pink screen appears to cause the system to become unresponsive. Only a restart provides some users with an interim solution to the problem. Others state that the pink coloring disappears after a few seconds. Then the iPhone 13 is fully operational again.

It is not a new bug that may have landed on iPhones through an update of iOS. There have been complaints since the release of the iPhone 13 series , but they are now increasing. Earlier iPhones are not affected by the pink screen.

Apple's reaction in the in-house discussion forum suggests that affected users have been sent a replacement copy (source: Apple Community). In the Chinese network Weibo, Apple is now writing that it believes it is not a hardware defect, but a software error. Users are now advised to back up and import the latest version of iOS. But that doesn't solve the problem.

Everything you need to know about the iPhone 13 models:

Pink iPhone display: bug fix not yet in sight

In the current preview version of iOS 15.3, a bug fix for the pink iPhone screen is not mentioned . So it cannot be assumed that Apple has already got the problem under control.


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