Your Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential or 1S from only 225 euros for Black Friday

The week before Black Friday continues to bring us great deals on Xiaomi products. An example of this are the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential and Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S , which we can find from only 225 euros.

Through AliExpress Plaza, that is, with shipping from Spain and a two-year warranty, we find the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential for only 225.80 euros using the code « BFELE43 «. Using this same code we can also find the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S at 273.96 euros .

Features and differences of these two Xiaomi electric scooters

Although the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential and Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S share a very similar design, their characteristics vary in relation to their autonomy, maximum speed or even ability to climb slopes .

Tu Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential o 1S desde solo 225 euros por el Black Friday. Noticias Xiaomi A

For its part, the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential is an electric scooter capable of reaching a maximum speed of 20Km / h , in turn having a range of 20Km . Its weight is 12Kg and it is capable of climbing slopes of up to 10% incline.

On the other hand, the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S goes a little further with a maximum speed of 25Km / h and a range of 30Km . This also has a weight of 12.5Kg and is capable of climbing slopes with up to 14% incline.

The entry Your Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Essential or 1S from only 225 euros for Black Friday was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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