Samsung Galaxy S21: Software update makes smartphone faster

Samsung Galaxy S21: Software update makes smartphone faster

Some time ago, Samsung started to distribute the final update to Android 12 with One UI 4 for its Galaxy S21 smartphones. But an annoying bug crept in, which will be eliminated with the current software update.

Samsung fixes bugs on the Galaxy S21

Since the Android 12 update with One UI 4 was distributed for the Galaxy S21 smartphones, the phones are no longer running smoothly. An annoying bug ensures that the dynamic 120 Hz function no longer works in the apps in which it was previously active. This makes the top smartphones feel much slower because the display then only works with 60 Hz. That is changing now.

According to SamMobile, Samsung has released a first software update for the Galaxy S21 smartphones that eliminates the problem . The manufacturer itself does not mention troubleshooting in the notes at all. However, after installing the update, many users report that the performance of the Galaxy S21 smartphones has noticeably improved and the smartphones are now working smoothly again.

The software update for the Galaxy S21 models will initially be distributed in the USA , but should also be available in other countries soon. Android 12 with One UI 4 has been available for some time. With the December update in a few days at the latest, Samsung should have eliminated the problem once and for all.

In the video you can see which possibilities are created with Android 12 and One UI 4 on Samsung smartphones:

Samsung is planning further Android 12 updates

Samsung has so far only released Android 12 with One UI 4 for the Galaxy S21 smartphones, but many other phones and tablets will follow. We have made a list of Samsung devices that should receive the update. The models from the previous year will soon be supplied. Maybe even before Christmas.


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