iPhone 13 Mini on Cyber ​​Monday: Apple cell phone with 15 GB Vodafone tariff effectively free of charge

iPhone 13 Mini on Cyber ​​Monday: Apple cell phone with 15 GB Vodafone tariff effectively free of charge

Such an offer has not existed for a very long time: On Cyber ​​Monday you can get the iPhone 13 Mini with a 15 GB contract in the Vodafone network at Otelo cheaper than buying it individually. We did the math and revealed why the deal is worth it.

Cyber ​​Monday bargain: iPhone 13 Mini with 15 GB tariff in the Vodafone network

Android smartphones are sometimes cheaper to get with a contract than if they were purchased individually. These are always really good deals, because regardless of whether you need the tariff or hide it in a drawer - in the end you got the cell phone cheaper and paid it off conveniently in installments. Unfortunately, there are never such offers with Apple devices - or are they? In the Black Friday week, the Vodafone brand Otelo also has its donation pants, because you can currently get the iPhone 13 Mini with all-network and SMS flat rates as well as 15 GB LTE data volume for around 30 euros per month. As the invoice below shows, you not only get the compact Apple smartphone effectively for free, but you also make a small profit. Oh yes, there is a 50 euro credit in the Otelo app on top of that, after all, it's Cyber ​​Monday. But be careful : the promotion only runs until December 1st, 2021.

Overview of tariff details

Tariff: Otelo Allnet-Flat Classic Network: Vodafone 15 GB LTE (up to 21.6 Mbit / s) Allnet and SMS-Flat 24 months minimum term, 3 months notice period 50 Euro starting credit in the Otelo app

You can find out more about the iPhone 13 Mini in our comparison of the new Apple smartphones and in this video :

The following costs await you

Basic fee: 24 × 29.99 euros per month One-time additional payment for the iPhone 13 Mini (128 GB): 1 euros Connection price: 9.99 euros Shipping costs: free of charge
= 730.75 euros total costs after 24 months

iPhone 13 Mini in the Vodafone tariff bundle: That's why the offer is so good

According to Idealo.de, the iPhone 13 Mini (128 GB) currently costs at least 770 euros and is therefore more expensive than Otelo with a Vodafone contract. Actually, the offer is already a no-brainer, but there is also the 50 euro starting credit on top of that. Sure, the download speed with a maximum of 21.6 Mbit could be a bit higher and recently O2 relegated Vodafone to 3rd place in the network test. But as I said, you don't have to use the SIM card if you don't want to. Most of the time, however, the tariff should be sufficient.

The bill with the low price only works if you cancel at the end of the minimum contract period. If you should forget that, however, the contract is not extended for another year, but can be canceled on a monthly basis.


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