How to see the specifications of your Xiaomi from the MIUI settings

Having access to the technical specifications of your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO can be quite useful in case you want to solve a problem with the terminal, learn more about its hardware characteristics or even, with a view to its sale.

Although this information is usually detailed in the terminal box itself, Xiaomi gives us the possibility to view it through the MIUI settings . A faster and more accurate way to fully understand each of the components of our smartphone.

How to know the hardware specifications of your Xiaomi

The first path is the simplest in the list. All you have to do is enter Settings> About phone> All specifications to view some of the components that your Xiaomi integrates inside.

Cómo ver las especificaciones de tu Xiaomi desde los ajustes de MIUI. Noticias Xiaomi A

From this menu you can check the amount of internal storage and RAM . You can also check the type of processor , its cores and frequencies . Another piece of information of interest that this menu throws up is the name of the device model , a piece of information that is necessary for certain tasks, troubleshooting or searches.

Know the technical specifications of your Xiaomi

Cómo ver las especificaciones de tu Xiaomi desde los ajustes de MIUI. Noticias Xiaomi A

From the MIUI settings you can also access a menu with more technical data about your device . In this section you can find the IMEI number, the terminal's WiFi MAC address, Bluetooth connectivity addresses, the status of the battery along with its current charge and a timer that shows the activity time of the device.

To access this technical menu, just go to Settings> About phone> All specifications> Status .

Go into the CIT menu to carry out hardware tests

The CIT menu may be unfamiliar to many users, but it is a great advantage for checking hardware status . This hidden menu has 37 different tests to verify the status of multiple components such as the screen , the touch panel , the speakers , much more.

Cómo ver las especificaciones de tu Xiaomi desde los ajustes de MIUI. Noticias Xiaomi A

To access the CIT menu, all you have to do is go to Settings> About phone> All specifications and then click at least 5 times on the kernel version to view the multiple tests of the CIT menu.

This section is essential to certify that your Xiaomi terminal does not have hardware defects . So if you suspect that the device is not working properly, it might be time to run a few CIT tests.

The entry How to see the specifications of your Xiaomi from the MIUI settings was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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