Halloween 2021: The best Android apps for horror, fun and games

Halloween 2021: The best Android apps for horror, fun and games

Like every year on October 31st, Halloween is celebrated again this year. If you are out of the age for collecting sweets, you should take a look at our app tips. We present you scary apps, games, ringtones and Halloween photo apps.

Let's face the fact: Halloween has gained a foothold here and will not go away again. What some brakemen have feared for years has happened: On the evening before All Saints' Day, children in disguise go from house to house begging for sweets - while the older generation looks forward to weird parties - and it doesn't look like it will be abolished again. So you can just as easily join in and there are Halloween apps that not only bring scary ringtones and some fun to your mobile phone, but can also be useful.

On the subject: Halloween: date, origin and meaning

Halloween Makeup Photo Editor

The Android App "Halloween Makeup Photo Editor" is a Halloween photo app. You can use it to take photos or load them from your gallery and then change them Halloween-like. You can use masks for this, for example, but also stickers with zombie mouths or blind eyes, with scars and cuts as well as with lots of other stickers.

The app is free and really very easy to use. Load a photo, choose a sticker and use one finger to adjust it to the size of the template. You can easily move or mirror the effects. You can add text to the photos and have a large number of other photo effects. If you ignore the Halloween event, the app can be used for photo effects all year round.

Creepy Halloween soundboard

halloween app soundboard

A horror movie with no sound isn't half as scary. A Halloween evening with the "Creepy Halloween Soundboard" can be twice as fun. The free app offers over 60 different scary sound effects that you can tap and play with your finger.

You tap the buttons and you can immediately hear the sound effect. If you want to run it as a loop, that is also possible without any problems: Simply hold the button for a long time, then let go. The effect is played until you tap the display again.

Play around with the effects beforehand so that you know what to expect. Then you can use the Halloween effects of this app more appropriately.

Halloween puzzle games

The "Halloween Puzzle Games" app is also suitable for children aged 12 and over. Most Halloween games are either zombie shootings or are aimed more at kids. There is a whole range of games so that the little ones have a suitable pastime for the time of year. This puzzle game is not too difficult and is lovingly made.

Tip: If it is too complicated or if you don't have enough patience: You can cheat with the "Pause" button and look at the finished puzzle.

Pumpkin carver


Practice makes perfect, but if you practice on a real pumpkin, it will be ruined quickly. Just use the "Pumpkin Carver" app to try out what your Halloween pumpkin could look like on your mobile phone.

This app presents you with four different pumpkins on which you can try your skills. There are various tools available for carving and painting. Through the candles inside you can immediately see how your masterpiece would look - fortunately, the individual steps can be undone. You can save or share the results - or delete them if it wasn't so good.

Into the Dead 2

The zombie apocalypse has broken out and running away is of no use, because you have to save your family. So keep moving, collect weapons and blast everything that gets in your way. This "18+ game" is free, but some game items are only unlocked through in-app purchases.

You can get a first foretaste through this video:

After an accident, the player has to move across the country - always chased by zombies. Fortunately, he already has a pistol with him when he starts, but of course the ammunition doesn't last long.

How far do you get on the first try?

Scary ringtones

The "Scary Ringtones" app brings to your cell phone what the name suggests: You can choose your preferred Halloween ringtone from a number of 95 different scary tones. You can play each tone briefly and then use it as the standard ringtone with one tap. This free app is easy to use and, for the most part, the sounds are really great.


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