Google is turning pixel phones into a black box

Google is turning pixel phones into a black box

Google likes to equip its own Pixel smartphones with functions that other manufacturers do not offer. In this case, it is about the emergency information that can be stored in the smartphone. Google is adding a "black box" to the function.

Google lets Pixel smartphones record and upload emergency videos

Google offers the "Emergency Information" app for its Pixel smartphones to download free of charge from the Google Play Store. Once installed and set up, the app can warn you of dangers in your area or help you to dial the emergency call if the smartphone detects that you have had a car accident. Now there is another function that can be compared with a "black box" in aircraft .

In an emergency, the Pixel smartphone can record a video of up to 45 minutes and upload it automatically (source: The Verge). If you have set up the "Emergency Information" app, the recording starts automatically when you activate the emergency mode by pressing the power button five times. Then the video recording with sound starts automatically, provided you have free memory available.

If there is an internet connection, the video can automatically be saved in your Google account. It is available there for seven days. You can also set this video file to be automatically shared with your emergency contacts .

Google will soon be launching the Pixel 6. You can see it in the video :

Emergency app for all smartphones

If you don't have a Pixel smartphone from Google, you can switch to the Nora app. It is the official emergency app of the federal states in Germany . An emergency call can be started via this. It doesn't offer quite as many functions as Google does on the Pixel smartphones, but if you can't dial or speak the emergency call, you get a good alternative here. The Nora app is currently not available due to overload, but it should start again in the foreseeable future.


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