{Disarmed} The oppo-ification of OnePlus is complete, new "unified" OS from ColorOS and OxygenOS is coming

OnePlus logo

Now OnePlus CEO and co-founder Pete Lau has announced that the company is entering a new phase, which he called "OnePlus 2.0". The Oppo-ification of OnePlus is now complete. Therefore, OnePlus 2.0 is actually the wrong choice, because what you can read now actually means that OnePlus will only be a sub-brand on Oppo.

It has now been confirmed that there will be no future for OxygenOS either. Future OnePlus smartphones - and of course those from Oppo as well - will appear with a "unified" OS made up of ColorOS and OxygenOS. But there is still no name for the new OS.

Unified global OS OnePlus and OPPO
: OnePlus

The formerly individual technology and development teams from OnePlus and Oppo have now been completely merged. As a result, 20 percent of the developers were laid off immediately. Significantly, the only teams that haven't merged are the PR teams, which will continue to work individually for their respective brands.

Unified global OS timeline
: OnePlus

"We'll be customizing the unified operating system specifically for OnePlus devices to ensure that it meets your expectations, for example by keeping it as clean and lightweight as before and continuing to support unlocked bootloaders."

Pete Lau
OnePlus Camera-focus
: OnePlus

Doubling of efforts in the field of cameras

This year, OnePlus entered into a strategic partnership with Swedish camera maker Hasselblad that helped OnePlus optimize the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro cameras. OnePlus says this is a long-term partnership, adding that it will continue to work with the camera maker to improve color performance.

In addition, OnePlus confirmed that it will focus on improving the user experience of its camera app. The company also plans to invest in the development of advanced zoom functions, a new color filter array, improved image stabilization and next-generation camera modules.

OnePlus still lets you unlock the bootloader of its new phones

While the company hasn't yet announced what the new operating system will be called, it has made an important announcement of interest to the custom ROM community: OnePlus will continue to offer bootloader unlocking on its new phones.

New OnePlus devices such as the OnePlus Nord 2 already run with OxygenOS, which is based on ColorOS. With today's announcement, OnePlus has laid the foundation for the uniform operating system that will run on OnePlus and OPPO devices worldwide.

"By bundling our software resources in order to concentrate on a uniform and updated operating system for OnePlus and OPPO devices worldwide, we will combine the strengths of both systems in an even more powerful operating system: the fast, smooth, carefree experience of OxygenOS and the stability and extensive functions of ColorOS. "


The next question that arises from this standardization of the operating system is of course whether the bootloaders of the OnePlus devices will still be unlockable or not. After all, OPPO devices cannot be unlocked at all.

OnePlus has allayed these fears and assured that future OnePlus devices that ship with the unified operating system will continue to support bootloader unlocking.

The integrated / unified operating system will appear on the OnePlus flagship series, which will presumably be called the OnePlus 10, in 2022. The integration of the operating system will be fully completed with the next major Android update for existing devices (i.e. Android 12) in 2022.


The article The Oppo-ification of OnePlus is finished, new "unified" OS from ColorOS and OxygenOS is coming first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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