{Disarmed} OnePlus confirms the cancellation of the OnePlus 9T

OnePlus 9T Render

OnePlus has confirmed it won't be releasing a T-series flagship this year. In other words, there is no OnePlus 9T. Rumors had been around for weeks, but the manufacturer had not yet officially confirmed or denied this. Nobody had expected it anyway.

Since 2016, OnePlus has released a T-series phone in the fall as an upgrade to its existing flagship lineup. But this year the company ends this long-standing tradition. OnePlus officially confirmed the news. While there won't be a OnePlus 9T, the manufacturer confirmed "other releases". That probably means the OnePlus 9RT .

The OnePlus 9RT is said to be an upgrade of the OnePlus 9R . However, this is not available from us in Germany, which is why we will have to wait for a new OnePlus smartphone until next spring.

The OnePlus 10 series in the coming spring should then be the new flagship upgrade. Until then, there is still a little time, time to further improve the software since the merger with Oppo. And there is also a lot going on, as OnePlus has already confirmed.


The post OnePlus confirms the cancellation of the OnePlus 9T first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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