{Disarmed} HTC Mobile plans to return to a key market

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HTC Mobile appears to be planning to expand as it wants to return to a key market. HTC Mobile will return to South Korea after a 10 year hiatus. The company left the country in December 2012, largely due to extremely poor sales.

HTC Mobile is rebuilding its business step by step. The company launched some budget phones in Russia and South Africa last year. Now is the time to return to South Korea as well.

HTC Mobile is currently looking for employees there, primarily for a business development and sales manager. The main purpose of this person is to help the company assess the market. For this purpose, a possible demand should be recorded and a business strategy should be developed based on this.

It will take months for HTC to gain a foothold again in South Korea. One seems to be preparing slowly for the return and not wanting to break anything over the knee.

ET News

The post HTC Mobile Plans to Return to a Key Market first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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