These are all Xiaomi that can already expand their RAM memory through MIUI

One of the latest MIUI news that has caused the most furor is the expansion of RAM . A functionality that will undoubtedly mark a before and after, especially on devices with fewer resources , improving the overall fluidity of the system.

Making use of free internal storage, this new MIUI functionality allows us to expand RAM by up to 1, 2 or even 3GB . In this way, if we have a Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G with 6GB of RAM, we can make it count to a total of 7GB, in order to offer better performance.

All Xiaomi that will have the RAM expansion function

To date, the Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G had been the only device to receive this MIUI improvement through the Chinese ROM, now reaching more devices, as kacskrz has let us see through its Twitter account.

Estos son todos los Xiaomi que ya pueden ampliar su memoria RAM a través de MIUI. Noticias Xiaomi A
MIUI RAM upgrade option

Apparently, this interesting MIUI functionality will not be exclusive to smartphones with fewer resources , it has also been implemented in other Xiaomi smartphones equipped with the Snapdragon 888, Snapdragon 870 and Snapdragon 865. In particular, devices that can already benefit from this function are the:

  • Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G
  • Xiaomi Mi 11, Mi 11 Pro, Mi 11 Ultra, Mi 11i
  • Xiaomi Mi 10, Mi 10 Pro, Mi 10 Ultra

As we said, these are the ones that have already received the RAM expansion function through the MIUI Chinese ROM or through the different betas that Xiaomi has been launching. Therefore, it would be very likely that this function will soon reach a greater number of devices , especially those with 2, 3 or 4GB of physical RAM.

In addition, it should be noted that at the moment this functionality has not reached the MIUI Global ROM and that it will most likely arrive together with MIUI 13 or at the earliest, through some final version of MIUI 12.5 and for a small group of devices.

Source | kacskrz

The entry These are all Xiaomi that can already expand their RAM memory through MIUI was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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