So you can install the new MIUI smart widgets on your Xiaomi

Among the latest news that Xiaomi has been introducing in MIUI we find smart widgets , a kind of "smart folder" that is anchored to the home screen of our smartphone, making it easier for us to access applications

In itself, MIUI smart widgets have autonomous learning , taking into account our day-to-day habits. In this way, they are able to know which applications we use most frequently.

And not only that, these widgets are capable of showing us which applications we are most likely to use at a specific time . In an intelligent way and taking into account our habits, the applications shown in the morning will not be the same as at another time of the day.

How to install MIUI smart widgets on your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO

At the moment, smart widgets are only available in the latest MIUI 12.5 Beta. Even so, we can install them manually on our Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO , as we are going to explain.

So you can install the new MIUI smart widgets on your Xiaomi. News Xiaomi

First of all, we will only have to download the update of the Xiaomi Security application through this link that will take you to our Telegram Channel. Once done, just install it as if it were any other application . Once done, the new MIUI smart widgets will be shown from the " widgets " option in the home screen settings.

After having anchored them on the screen of our Xiaomi, they will show us the applications that we usually use the most or those that we may need. In addition, it has a search engine (for now in English) that will facilitate the search among the most used apps.

The entry So you can install the new MIUI smart widgets on your Xiaomi was first published on xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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