Xiaomi announces its impressive all-screen smartphone with Quad-Curved Waterfall technology

Without prior notice and to everyone's surprise, Xiaomi announced just a few minutes ago its first "all screen" smartphone with Quad-Curved Waterfall Display technology , also known as a waterfall screen.

In detail, Xiaomi has announced its first smartphone with an under-screen camera , which in turn makes use of a totally revolutionary panel, capable of surrounding all four sides of the device in a "waterfall" format that will undoubtedly impress anyone.

As we can see in the following image, this new smartphone concept that we will probably see in the Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 , encompasses the entire contour of the device thanks to the use of a curved panel on all four sides with a curvature of 88º .

Xiaomi anuncia su impresionante smartphone todo pantalla con tecnología Quad-Curved. Noticias Xiaomi A

Xiaomi's first "all screen" smartphone.

For this, Xiaomi has used up to 46 different patents , resulting in this impressive finish that could undoubtedly mark a before and after in smartphones. A true "all screen", which we have all been waiting for some time.

This could be the expected Xiaomi Mi Mix 4, without bezel, without buttons and without holes in the screen

As can be seen in the video, this concept makes any type of bezel disappear, as well as a physical button . In addition, by having an under-screen camera, any distraction disappears, resulting in an impressive screen that should be seen how well MIUI takes advantage of.

At the moment, it is just a smartphone concept, something like the Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha . In the same way, it is most likely that this same design is the one used in the Mi Mix Series, either for the debut of the Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 or some other terminal that the firm has prepared for us.

Xiaomi anuncia su impresionante smartphone todo pantalla con tecnología Quad-Curved. Noticias Xiaomi A

It remains to be seen how well this technology is shared in terms of durability, since having a curved screen on all four sides, its fragility multiplies exponentially , being more likely to break after small drops.

We will keep you informed of any news regarding the use of this new technology developed by Xiaomi and its arrival to a new product.

The entry Xiaomi announces its impressive all-screen smartphone with Quad-Curved Waterfall technology was first published on xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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