The Xiaomi logo appears all over the place on an agricultural farm

The imagination and admiration of the Mi Fan seems to have no limits. If you like curious news about Xiaomi , today we bring you one that will not leave you indifferent.

And, as we can see in the cover image, a Xiaomi Mi Fan from India has decided to cut its crop taking into account the silhouette of the Xiaomi logo .

This is how Manu Jumar Jain , one of Xiaomi's top executives in India, has shown us through a video recorded from a drone from this agricultural farm.

As we can see, the Xiaomi logo covers a fairly considerable extension, since the images have been captured at a height of about 1,500 feet , that is, what would be about 457 meters above the ground.

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In short, one more example of the importance that Xiaomi is taking in the world. A brand that is not only recognized by a few , but can already boast of being in the TOP 3 of the most important brands.

Source | Twitter

The entry The Xiaomi logo appears all over the place on an agricultural farm was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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