Hurricane Laura is raging off the coast of America. Hundreds of Microsoft Flight Simulator players in it

microsoft flight simulator hurricane laur

Microsoft Flight Simulator simulates, among other things, the weather all over the world in an extremely realistic way. This is quite an unusual opportunity to see what is happening in the very eye of a hurricane.

Microsoft Flight Simulator - described by a growing group of critics as a true masterpiece from the Xbox Game Studios stable - allows eager players to experience incredibly realistic exploration of the entire world aboard a virtual plane. The simulation itself is faithful to reality as well, so this game is definitely not for everyone. Aviation fans, however, seem to be having a great time.

One of the game features is the ability to synchronize the weather with the real state. We can set any weather conditions on request, but it seems much more interesting to fly in the sky in exactly the state that prevails at the moment. Anywhere on earth.

Gamers put this mechanism to the test. Hurricane Laura has appeared in Microsoft Flight Simulator .

Thousands of interested people are now trying to get into the eye of Hurricane Laura with their Cessnas, Airbuses and other virtual planes. Some persistent pilots do this, and they document their findings and findings on reddit, among others.

Above I have included a gallery of Jkeith26 user screenshots that were posted in this subreddit . I strongly encourage you to go there at your leisure and check the rest of the finds - both by this author and many others.

Microsoft Flight Simulator uses the support of cloud computing to be able to simulate complex weather phenomena live. The effect, however, is undoubtedly electrifying. Even without such a find, the game looks great. Here, however, it is clear that we have not had such a level of simulation and realism on our personal computers yet. And the game is also expected to appear on Xbox consoles and in Xbox Game Pass streaming.

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Hurricane Laura is raging off the coast of America. Hundreds of Microsoft Flight Simulator players in it


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