Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro: the most striking smartphone you will have seen in a long time

Giving life to one of the latest patents registered by Xiaomi , LetsGoDigital brings us a spectacular render of what they have called Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro . This curious smartphone will surprise you with a most unusual camera and a totally immersive screen.

In search of the perfect smartphone, Xiaomi does not stop registering new patents. Among them, specifically, one of his latest shows us a combination of Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha itself , along with a huge camera made up of a single photographic sensor.

From this, the renowned portal LetsGoDigital has made a spectacular full color render where we can enjoy one of the most revolutionary designs that we have seen in recent years.

Far from any known format, this "Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro" adds a wraparound screen capable of covering not only the front of the terminal, but also all its edges and much of the rear area .

Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro: the most striking smartphone you will have seen in a long time. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro: the most striking smartphone you will have seen in a long time. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro: the most striking smartphone you will have seen in a long time. Xiaomi  News

In addition, a single, more professional camera is added, equipped with a large aperture optical zoom. This is integrated into a large part of the upper rear area, encompassing a larger smartphone region than usual.

In short, a most revolutionary design that still remains a simple patent brought to reality through a 3D render . It remains to be seen if the long-awaited Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 or Mi Mix 2020 finally arrives on the market, revolutionizing the concept we have for a smartphone.

Source | LetsGoDigital

The entry Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha Pro: the most striking smartphone that you will have seen in a long time was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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