Not only the iPhone will be sold without a charger. Samsung has similar plans

No charger included with the smartphone? This could be a new trend. First, there was news that Apple would strip iPhone boxes, and now it is said that Samsung will also join the club.

Cost optimization, ladies and gentlemen. The dynamics on the smartphone market is getting weaker and the pandemic has given bones to producers. Time to look for savings.

For several weeks, it has been said more and more loudly that iPhones will be sold not only without headphones, but also without a charger . And although this is not a great novelty on the consumer electronics market, because, for example, the charger is not seen in the case of Kindle readers, and HTC tried such a procedure for almost a decade, the topic raises great emotions.

Well, how is that? Without a charger?

The Korean press reports that Samsung intends to get rid of chargers in some next year's models. There are basically two reasons: cost reduction and environmental care.

If these reports prove to be true key market players (Samsung is number one and Apple is number three in terms of global market share ), they will set a new trend followed by other manufacturers.

Before you start to take outrage at the possible lack of chargers in the set with a smartphone, count how many you have at home.

I've already done it. In the drawer I found 4 Apple chargers that were added to iPhones. I also have 4 12W chargers for the iPad. Together he does eight - paraphrasing the classic. Meanwhile, I have 4 smartphones and tablets at home. Even if I wanted to charge everything at once, half of the chargers will lie in the drawer and suffer from unemployment.

I will add that I have counted only charging devices for smartphones and tablets. I still have a universal Blitzwolf charger with two USB ports. I also don't include a MacBook charger that could charge all of my Apple devices.

The conclusion of this short investigation is simple: manufacturers are unlikely to hurt customers who buy their equipment without chargers. Although this policy seems outrageous at first glance, it is essentially pointless.

And if you want a counterargument for this apology of the greediness of manufacturers, I will give you one: the 18W USB-C charger costs PLN 149 in the Apple store.

Not only the iPhone will be sold without a charger. Samsung has similar plans


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