Dark Mode 2.0: that s how advanced the new MIUI 12 dark mode is

Among the MIUI 12 novelties we find the new Dark Mode 2.0 . This, unlike the one found in MIUI 11, is much more advanced, incorporating certain intelligent technologies that make it more efficient and accurate.

Beyond simply inverting colors, MIUI 12's new Dark Mode is capable of recognizing every hue , naturally darkening each color separately. To do this, Xiaomi has relied on the HSV shadow color space , thus using a non-linear hue inversion.

To understand this we can look at the following image. As you can see, this new dark mode not only inverts the color to a dark hue, but adapts it to a gray scale depending on the original color.

Dark Mode 2.0: that's how advanced the new MIUI 12 dark mode is. Xiaomi News

MIUI 12 HSV Shadow Color Space.

As a result, we obtain a much easier to read interface, capable of avoiding darker colors. In addition, with this it is possible to avoid the overlapping of similar tones that sometimes make reading difficult.

MIUI 12 news, release date, download, calendar, first betas. Xiaomi  News

Likewise, as shown in the previous image, MIUI 12 Dark Mode 2.0 is capable of simulating the natural change from day to night .

MIUI 12 Dark Mode 2.0 also adjusts the light and thickness of the font

Beyond smart adjustment in color inversion, MIUI 12 and its Dark Mode 2.0 are able to automatically adapt the contrast and brightness of interface elements.

HSV shadow color space

Depending on the time of day and ambient light, MIUI 12 Dark Mode 2.0 adjusts the brightness and contrast of the elements.

And, Xiaomi has managed to develop a new Dark Mode capable of recognizing ambient light , thereby adapting the contrast and brightness of the letters and the various navigation elements of the system.

HSV shadow color space

MIUI 12 is also capable of modifying the font size automatically.

In addition, the font is also automatically and intelligently adjusted , both in size and thickness. Now, in very bright environments, the font increases in size, thereby making it easier to read.

On the other hand, in low light environments, the size and thickness of the MIUI 12 font decreases, thus avoiding any possible glare.

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In conclusion, a much more precise, but above all, advanced way of applying Dark Mode. Let's not forget that the objective of this is not only aesthetic, but to improve our eye tension , thus improving visual health.

The entry Dark Mode 2.0: this is how advanced the new dark mode of MIUI 12 was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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