Clever Grandmother with Alior Bank will teach seniors online banking

During the pandemic coronavirus, Beata Borucka, author of the blog 'Smart Grandmother', with the support of Alior Bank, will show seniors that there is no reason to be afraid of digital banking, which can simply be very helpful.

Alior Bank took patronage over a series of educational films entitled "Grandma on the bank", which is to facilitate the elderly in navigating the virtual world, and thus facilitate their daily functioning. Behind the development of these films is Beata Borucka, author of the blog " Smart Mother ", who will want to show primarily seniors that digital banking is one of those mechanisms that allows us to stay at home, but also allows us to perform many tasks.

Especially for the health and safety of the elderly, it is necessary that they take all precautions and stay at home as far as possible. The enclosure in four walls does not necessarily mean lost time. It is worth using it to develop new skills and acquire knowledge that will be useful also after quarantine - says Michał Wójcik, Marketing Director of Alior Bank.

Smart Grandma every week on YouTube

Educational videos aimed at providing practical information on online and mobile banking will teach, among others bills and online purchases as well as payment card payments will appear once a week on "frameborder =" 0 "allowfullscreen> "Clever Grandmother" YouTube channel .

Our research shows that every third person in their sixties does not use online banking due to a lack of knowledge. We hope that the action initiated by Wise Grandmother will develop digital competences among the elderly - says Michał Wójcik.

Beata Borucka, author of the blog, argues that in the current situation helping seniors is not only good will, but more social responsibility.

This is a moment of truth not only for us, as people, the media or community on the web, but also for companies and organizations that help in their mission - he believes.

Alior Bank's next step in the fight against digital exclusion

Joining the Alior campaign only confirms the bank's consistent actions in the fight against digital exclusion. One of these previous initiatives was a workshop for seniors held last year. As part of the pilot program, bank experts taught 60+ clients how to safely manage their finances online. The elderly, under the guidance of banking advisers, learned how to operate the bank's digital channels.

Now Alior Bank is launching another social campaign - #TerazTwojaKolej, which will be addressed through social media to current bank customers. Its goal will also be to activate seniors. Alior wants to include the largest group of young people.

We want to inspire young people to support older people in their immediate environment who are unable to use new technologies and digital banking. After all, our parents and grandparents are the greatest support for us and, regardless of the situation, they offer advice and good words. It's time for the roles to reverse - now let us take care of them - says Michał Wójcik.

* The material was created in cooperation with Alior Bank

Clever Grandmother with Alior Bank will teach seniors online banking


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