Super price: Kindle Paperwhite 4 for 490 PLN. Cheaper than at Christmas

Kindle Paperwhite 4, the newest Amazon e-book reader, is again sold at a promotional price. The discount is even bigger than last Christmas.

On the occasion of the upcoming Valentine's, the manufacturer of e-book readers from the Kindle family prepared an attractive promotion for the Paperwhite 4 model . The latest product from this category in the company's offer can now be bought for 30 euros (about 130 zlotys), or 21 percent. cheaper than usual. The promotion is organized by the German Amazon.

The promotional price for the reader in the basic version, i.e. Kindle Paperwhite 4 8 GB Wi-Fi without ads, is 109.99 euros.

After taking into account Polish taxes and converting this amount into our currency, it comes to the fact that you have to pay exactly EUR 113.69 for the device straight from the manufacturer. that is around PLN 490 counted on today's rate. If Amazon is used to convert the currency, you need to pay PLN 518 for the reader.

Which option will be better depends on the currency converter used by the bank. You can also use, for example, Revoluta , pay in euros and avoid paying for currency conversion. And even if the buyer does not decide, Amazon's offer is worth attention.

kindle paperwhite 4th generation 2018 amazon 2 e-book reader

Similar money, or about 490-520 zlotys, which must be paid for Kindle Paperwhite 4 in German Amazon, are desired by Polish sellers who import Amazon e-book readers on their own, for ... Kindle Paperwhite 3. The new model is from predecessor much better.

It is also worth noting that there are slightly cheaper readers with ads, but these can not be ordered directly to Poland - if someone would like to save, he would have to use an intermediary in Germany and choose a German delivery address.

Of course, all other versions of Kindle Paperwhite 4 were also discounted .

The other variants of the Kindle Paperwhite 4 e-book reader can now be bought at 30 eu. (about PLN 130) cheaper. For the model with 32 GB of internal memory now you have to pay now 139.99 eu. (which translates to around PLN 630 if you consider a higher tax in Poland than in Germany). The basic model with 8 GB of memory cost the same until yesterday.

Kindle Paperwhite 4 out of 32 GB of e-books and audiobooks as well as the LTE module costs EUR 199.99 (about PLN 890 after taking into account a higher tax). This is unfortunately a much worse business. The wireless data transmission module is not so useful these days.

amazon de kindle paperwhite 4 promotion

The current discount is one of the best promotions on Kindle Paperwhite 4 up to now.

This e-book reader model was recently sold for a smaller than usual amount for Christmas. Then the devices went down by 20 euros, and the Valentine's promotion for 2019 is even better.

It was cheaper only during Cyber ​​Monday 2018, when the reader was overpriced by 40 euros. We will wait for a similar reduction for the next few months. If anyone thinks about buying an e-book reader today, it has a great opportunity.

Kindle Paperwhite 4 with a 6-inch screen is now the best Amazon reader in terms of price-performance ratio , which finally gained water resistance. In terms of the quality of workmanship and speed of action, it also embarrasses competition .

Buy Kindle Paperwhite 4 on the German Amazon .

Super price: Kindle Paperwhite 4 for 490 PLN. Cheaper than at Christmas


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